Does It Cost Money To Switch From A Chapter 13 To A Chapter 7
If you convert your Chapter 13 bankruptcy to a Chapter 7, who gets undistributed plan payments? You or your creditors?
In Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you make regular payments for three to five years to the bankruptcy trustee appointed to administer the case. In turn, the trustee disperses the funds to creditors. Sometimes, however, the filer can't continue funding the repayment plan due to a financial change and converts the case to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
If the Chapter 13 trustee is holding any plan payments for your creditors, the funds will be returned to you. However, because Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a liquidation chapter—meaning that the trustee sells property that you can't protect with a bankruptcy exemption—you might lose other assets. The Chapter 7 trustee can sell nonexempt property that you owned when you filed the Chapter 13 case.
Converting a Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy
A Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing is often the only option available to people who make too much to qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy (more below). It also works well when someone wants to:
- pay off nondischargeable debt (debt that doesn't go away in bankruptcy)
- keep nonexempt property (property that would normally be sold for the benefit of creditors), or
- catch up on an overdue house or car payment.
But it isn't unusual for someone's financial situation to change over the course of a three- to five-year repayment plan. For instance, a debtor who suffers a job loss and can't continue making the required monthly payment might ask the court to convert the case to a Chapter 7 bankruptcy or request a hardship discharge.
As long as the conversion isn't an attempt to manipulate the system to the detriment of creditors—often referred to as "bad faith"—a filer can convert a Chapter 13 to a Chapter 7 case at any time (assuming Chapter 7 eligibility).
(Learn more in Converting Your Bankruptcy Case From Chapter 13 to Chapter 7.)
Converting a Chapter 7 to Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Although unusual, you can also convert a Chapter 7 to a Chapter 13 case. This conversion usually happens when the filer's income is too high to pass the means test, indicating that there's sufficient income to repay creditors some amount through a Chapter 13 repayment plan. This conversion cannot occur without the debtor's consent.
(Learn more about Converting a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy to Chapter 13.)
Money and Property: What Happens After You Convert a Bankruptcy Case
Filing for bankruptcy creates a "bankruptcy estate" in which all of your assets and property rights get held. The bankruptcy chapter you file—or convert to—will determine what happens to the property in the bankruptcy estate.
- The Chapter 7 bankruptcy estate. The bankruptcy estate consists of all your property at the time you filed the petition (other than the property you can protect using a bankruptcy exemption and certain retirement accounts). The trustee sells nonexempt property for the benefit of your creditors.
- The Chapter 13 bankruptcy estate. The bankruptcy estate includes the property you had at the time you filed plus any property or earnings acquired after filing but before the case is closed, dismissed, or converted. The trustee doesn't sell nonexempt property in this chapter—you'll pay an amount equal to its value in your repayment plan. (Learn more in Exemptions in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy.)
- Bankruptcy estate property when converting from Chapter 13 to 7. The Chapter 7 estate will include all of the property you owned (and couldn't exempt) on the day you filed the original Chapter 13 that remains in your possession or control on the date of conversion. It doesn't include income you earned after the filing date. A trustee who is holding plan funds that haven't yet been distributed to creditors must return the funds to you. (Harris v. Viegelahn, 135 S.Ct. 1829 (2015).)
- Bad faith bankruptcy estate exception. There's an exception if the court finds that you converted your case in bad faith. In that situation, the bankruptcy estate will include all of your property on the day you filed the original Chapter 13 that remains in your possession or control on the date of conversion plus any property you acquired after you filed the Chapter 13 and before you convert it to a Chapter 7.
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Does It Cost Money To Switch From A Chapter 13 To A Chapter 7
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